Christine Fournier - Writing Portfolio

About Me

photo by Christine Fournier
At a young age I was given my very own hammer, it was kid size and made of metal not plastic. I had lots of fun following my dad around and slowly “building up” (or should I say borrowing and never returning) my tool collection. I loved the sense of accomplishment that came from building something and not having it fall down right away.  I made my own forts and got to help with any home improvement projects.

Two decades later and my love of building is still going strong.  I know help to build houses through my volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity. The current build is going to be H4H Montreal’s first green build. We are aiming for a silver LEED-certified home and my interest has shifted into learning about the different materials that we are using, as well as learning about what else is available on the market.

My interest in green construction and home repair pretty much came from television. I’ll watch just about any home renovation show that is out there, especially when they are talking about eco-friendly building materials and so the topic of this writing portfolio and blog will address some of the interesting products and materials I have heard about as well as projects that have to do with home renovation.